Drone Tracking App – Which Apps are the Best?

What is the Best Mobile Drone Tracking App Currently Out There?

To find the best drone tracking app, you must first ask yourself; what will I primarily be using this app for? On what type of a device?

  1. Do you need the app to just pin-point your drone’s location without any tracker attached to it?
  2. Or are you trying to figure out which drone tracking app you need for your particular tracker on the drone?


Drone Tracking App

If you could answer one of the two questions above, then this page is meant for you. Please feel free to take a look at the below guide for figuring out what the best drone tracking app would be for you based on the 4 questions we asked earlier. We have numbered the guide below 1 through 4 with their own bullet points for easier following. Lets get started.

I. Drone Tracking App for Locating a Drone’s Location Without a Tracker

  • Airmap – This is probably one of the better drone tracking apps that you can find for the purpose of tracking your drone that doesn’t have a tracker attached to it. What it does (among other things) is that it logs your flight’s coordinates into the actual app. If god forbid, you were to ever lose your drone somehow (due to bad wind gusts, going out of controller range, battery failure, physical hardware damage, etc..), this would be a good way to pin-point your drone’s last location. This drone tracking app logs would allow for you to start the search for your lost drone with good solid information. The Airmap drone detection app allows for you to scan your surroundings for any drones. This is a good drone detection app for an iPhone, also sometimes called a drone watcher app.
  • Kittyhawk – This drone tracking app would be the contender for the best of the best tracking apps for lost drones or quadcopter. Just like the Airmap above, the Kittyhawk also has a flight log utility that allows for you to see your drone’s last path. Alongside the flight logs feature, this drone tracking app also includes active air traffic information, it checks weather, pre-flight check and post-flight analysis. How to detect a drone in the sky? This application also has this feature.
  • Both of the apps mentioned here for question #2, would definitely come in handy if you ever found yourself to be in the dreaded “how to find a lost drone without a tracker” position. The link that I just provided has a ton of information and a detailed guide on how to locate a lost drone without a tracker. 14 Tips and Ideas to be exact. Feel free to go ahead and check it out to see if it might be of some help to you (it opens in a new tab). You can find links for the two mentioned apps (Kittyhawk and Airmap) on our Important Drone Technology Links and Drone Resources page under the Drone Tracking App Section.

II. Good Drone Tracker Products and Their Factory Drone Tracking App

Drone Tracking App - Trackimo

  • Trackimo TRK-100 – Trackimo is a pretty decent drone tracking product which does come with its own app. The Trackimo drone detection app is available on both, the Apple and Android stores. The app is to be used in conjunction with the Trackimo tracking product. This tracking device is a cellular product that works off of your phone’s app and cellular towers (Similar to the tk102 drone tracker). You must be in range of a cellular tower for this product to work.  It is a GPS product. If you would like more information on the Trackimo drone tracking app and the Trackimo device, here is a link to their product on Amazon with a ton of information, technical details, reviews and more.
  • TrackR Pixel – The TrackR Pixel is a Bluetooth tracking device for drones that also comes with its own drone tracking app. This product is a little different from the Trackimo as this product uses Bluetooth technology. The TrackR app comes on both Apple and Android Platforms. The drone finder app shows you the location of the lost drone as well as the TrackR Pixel device’s battery life. This is a useful little app that can be used in conjunction the with the TrackR device.  For more information on this particular drone tracker and it’s drone tracking app, please visit this Amazon page for more information.
  • Marco Polo Tracker (No App) – If you are just plain tired of having to mess around on your mobile device with apps, you can always look into a stand alone version of a lost drone tracker. This Drone Detection radar allows for you to pinpoint your drone’s exact location. The Marco Polo Drone Tracker is a dedicated long range (2+ miles) tracking unit with its own tracker and screen/monitor for monitoring your drone’s location. For more information on this device, please click here for their Amazon page.

Additional Information on Tracking and Locating Lost Drones

Mentioning this page one more time as it might be helpful to you. For some additional information about drone trackers and how to find missing and lost drones, please click here to be taken to our super-detailed guide on how to find a lost drone without a tracker. This lost my drone page has been built with a couple of things in mind; “how to find my lost drone” as well as “how to stop future drone losses by utilizing trackers”.

I really hope that this page on finding the best drone tracking app has been helpful to you. If you have any questions, concerns or comments. Please comment below or go to our Contact Us page (from the top right menu) and send us a note. We usually reply within 48 hours or so. Thank you and happy flying, Drone Enthusiast.